Château Sigalas Rabaud, the first Grand Cru Classé of 1855, is mainly composed of the Sémillon grape variety. Discover this grape variety that makes the different vintages exceptional. Mostly, it is used to make sweet wines, including Sauternes, but it can be found in the blend of dry white. It is most often found in the South-West, and more mainly in the Bordeaux lands, where the climate is favorable to it, heat and humidity on gravelly or clay-limestone soils. But it is also planted abroad (Australia, California and South Africa). During its tasting, we notice that the Semillon has a very complex and diverse aromatic palette. There are aromas of honey, hazelnut and acacia flowers. With aging, we can find notes of candied fruit, spices and ripe citrus.
In terms of food and wine, the dry semillon goes perfectly with fish or white meat. But also with lemon starters. We will more easily choose desserts based on fruits, and / or almonds to taste the sweet semillon.